If the secondary state of the flip-flop depends only on the state of the input signal at CP_ edge _, the flip-flop can be overcome.
In the application circuit composed of 555 timer, when the C-U terminal is not used, in order to work stably, the capacitor is usually grounded.
When using integrated counter to realize arbitrary decimal, the circuit realized by _ _ controlling the counting period is more reliable.
In order to make the conversion between binary and decimal more convenient, binary coded decimal code, called _BCD_, is often used.
The capacity and speed of memory are two important indicators reflecting the system performance.
In addition to outputting high and low levels, the tri-state gate has a third output state, namely _ high resistance _ state.
In digital system, the logic circuit with encoding function is called encoder.
The trigger that works synchronously with the clock becomes _ synchronization _ trigger.
The demultiplexer DMUX can be directly implemented with _ AND gate _.
When analyzing an entry-level combinational circuit, it is generally necessary to write a logic function from _ Karnaugh map _
People are used to the value of _ decimal _, and the commonly used value in digital circuits is _ binary _.
GAL adopts _ electro-erasure _ technology, and can modify logic at any time without ultraviolet irradiation.