0 is a special even number. According to the definition of odd number and even number: If a number is a multiple of 2, it is an even number (double
Number), which can be expressed as 2n; Otherwise, it is an odd number, which can be expressed as 2n+ 1(n is an integer), that is, the odd number is divided by 2.
The number is one, 0=2*0, so 0 is an even number.
Among integers, numbers that are not divisible by 2 are called odd numbers. If a number is a multiple of 2, it is an even number. In daily life, people
Usually odd numbers are called odd numbers and even numbers are called even numbers, which are corresponding.
Invention of 0:
The standard number 0 was invented by ancient Indians around the 5th century. They first use black dots to indicate zero, and then gradually become "0". In eastern countries, mathematics is mainly based on operation (in the west, geometry was written at the beginning, "nine numbers of Indians, plus the 0 symbol invented by Arabs, can write all the numbers).
For some reason, when the symbol "0" was first introduced to the west, it once caused confusion among westerners, because at that time, the west thought that all numbers were positive numbers, and the number "0" would make many formulas and logics untenable, and even be considered as a devil's number, so it was banned. It was not until about 15 and 16 that zero and negative numbers were gradually recognized by westerners, which led to the rapid development of western mathematics.