higher education
There are nine universities and twelve community colleges in Utah. The University of Utah in Salt Lake City is the largest public university in the state. Other public universities include Utah State University in Logan, Weber State University in Ogden, Southern Utah University in Cedar City and Utah Valley College in allam. Private universities in this state include Brigham Young University in Provo, Westminster College in Salt Lake City and East Utah College in Price.
geographical environment
The area of Utah is 219,888 square kilometers. The state is divided into three geographical regions: basins and mountains, Rocky Mountains and Colorado Plateau. Basins and mountains in western Utah, consisting of dry plains and small ridges, are located in this area? There are great salt lakes, Bonneville salt flats and some deserts. The southern center of the state is covered by the Wasatch Mountains and the Inta Mountains, which are part of the Rocky Mountains. The Colorado Plateau covers half of Utah. This area is covered with wide hills and canyons, with picturesque scenery and bright colors of rocks. Rivers flowing through the state include Colorado River, Green River, Jordan River, Notre Dame River and Rift Valley River. The main cities in Judah are Salt Lake City, Provo City, Sandy, allam and Ogden. The population of this state exceeds 2 million.
Generally speaking, the climate in Utah is characterized by sunshine, warmth and dryness. Salt Lake City is located in the northern center of the state, with an average temperature of minus 2 degrees Celsius in winter 1 month and 25 degrees Celsius in summer and July. In Cedar City in the southwest corner of Judah, the average temperature in winter 1 month is-1.5 degrees Celsius, and the average temperature in summer and July is 23 degrees Celsius. The average annual precipitation (including rainfall and snowfall) in Salt Lake City is 38 cm, while the annual precipitation in basins, mountains and Colorado Plateau is less than 13 cm, and the annual precipitation in the ridges of Wasatch Mountains and Uinta Mountains is 127 cm.