1, Harvard University (Massachusetts)
2. Stanford University (California)
3. University of Pennsylvania
4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
4. Northwestern University (Illinois)
6. University of Chicago
7. Columbia University (new york)
7. University of California, Berkeley
9. Dartmouth College (New Hampshire)
10, UCLA
There are three main forms of universities in Europe:
In church universities, students and teachers form a close cooperative group under the leadership of a president, such as universities in Paris, Oxford and Cambridge. National universities, established by the king with the approval of the Pope, such as the University of Naples founded by Frederick II of Sicily and the University of Salamanca founded by Ferdinand III of Castilla. The University of Bologna, 1088 was founded in Bologna, Italy, and is considered as the first university in Europe. Paris University, known as the "mother of European universities", was organized by teachers before enrollment.
18 10, william von humboldt established Berlin university, which is considered as the beginning of modern university. This model was first imitated by Johns Hopkins University in the United States and widely adopted by universities all over the world.
Since the communication between China and the West in modern times, the so-called western universities (English: University, French: Université, German: Université) have been translated into "academies" at an early stage and later renamed as "Universities".