Haram University of Sheffield 80.9 83.9 5.4319 64.7 65.7 86.917.162.
73 University of the West of England 80 82.5 8.8 324 70.8 71.4 84.919.5 68
Liverpool Johns Mures University 81.6858.9 344 63.3 74.9 84.218.471.
75 university of bradford university of bradford 78.8 84.4 9.2314 75.2 74 83.817.8 76
University of Hertfordshire 78.682.85.6318 75.367 8617.779
77 Manchester City University 8182.2 7.5 347 63 69.8 84.417.7 89
University of Lohampton 78 79.9 24.5 286 60.9 67.281.716.8 73
Aberystwyth University 78.4 80.4 28.1312 62.5 65.189.317.8 93.
Liverpool Hope University 86.8 86.4 9.2 304 53.9 63.4 82.819.4.
8 1 Bournemouth University of Arts 81.4 80 2.4 322 61.4 66.2 92.315.3 59
Bournemouth University 75.2 78.8 9 329 66.4 75.5 8617.4 88