Cctv news channel hosts white news every Saturday at 22: 15.
He also gave many lectures. I remember seeing his lecture at Ningbo University on the Internet /v_show/id_XOTYxODAxMTI=.html.
And the speech at Yale University/Programs/View/HG5 OXVmkqm/
Sun yat-sen university lecture/v _ show/id _ xnjcwnzc1nty =. Hypertext markup language
Jilin University (1)/V _ show/ID _ xmteynji0mji4.html
(2)/v _ show/id _ xmteynji 0 ODM 2 . html
(3)/v _ show/id _ xmteynji 1 odmy . html
I have found so much now, and maybe there will be more. You can go to Baidu again.