Dormitory, as its name implies, is a place for students to rest and collective life. Generally, there are four or six people in university dormitories, and there are also eight people. Generally, there are separate bathrooms. Men's and women's dormitories are generally separated, even if the same building is separated at different levels and relatively independent. The dormitory has a unified entrance and is equipped with full-time dormitory administrators to manage daily affairs. Generally, outsiders are not allowed to enter and need to register. There is a strict work and rest system, and it is not allowed to go home late and go out at will.
Dormitory culture: take care of public property and save water and electricity; Do not damage walls, glass and public facilities; Turn off the dripping faucet; Pay attention to safety and take precautions. Do not use naked fire, do not pull wires without permission, and bolt the door in time. Don't walk around in other grades' dormitories, and don't leave others in the dormitory; It is forbidden to drink and gamble in the dormitory. If there is any violation, the college will deal with it seriously. If you find that your dormitory classmates or other dormitory classmates have abnormal diseases, you should immediately notify the counselor or substitute teacher.