College students know that what they fear most is that they can't get into the exam, because if they can't get into the exam, they have to make up the exam, and it is even more difficult than when they take the exam. Generally, there is a score when taking the exam, but when taking the make-up exam, it is directly how many points you got in the written exam. If you fail the make-up exam, it may affect our diploma or directly fail you, so don't fail the exam. We can see that some students don't go to class in the classroom and can't fail in the end. How could they do that? First of all, we should get on well with our teachers. After all, the teacher graded you. Sometimes when you get along well with the teacher, the teacher will open a plug-in for you, just like when we play games. Because our exams are divided into normal grades and paper grades, if you get along well with the teacher, even if your exam results are not good, the teacher will improve your normal grades.
There is also going to the classroom a few weeks before the exam, because the teacher will give the scope of the exam a few weeks before the exam and sometimes reveal a few questions, so go to the classroom a few weeks before the exam. And do the after-class questions and homework again. If you don't know, you should ask the teacher. If you add the range given by the teacher to the homework after class, there will be no problem.