"I am a singer" is a musical competitive program introduced by Hunan Satellite TV from South Korea's MBC, and produced by Hunan Satellite TV Program Center. The first season of the program was hosted by Yu Quan, the second season by Zhang Yu and Liao Fan, the third season by Kukuiki and Sun Nan, and the fourth season by Hacken Lee. The finals of the four seasons were hosted by He Jiong and Wang Han respectively.
I am a singer, including: I am a singer in the first season, a singer in the second season, a singer in the third season and a singer in the fourth season.
Seven singers are invited to participate in each program. In the first season, the first singers were Yu Quan, Huang Qishan, Sha Baoliang, Laure Shang, Chen Ming, Chyi Chin and Paul Wong. Finally, Yu Quan won the championship.
The winner of 202 1 The Voice of China is Wu. Karrie (1August 2, 9981) was born in Taishan City, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province. She is a China pop singer and graduated from Admiralty Conservatory of Music of Shenzhen University.