Generally speaking, the longest time in college is 6 years, which means that a grade has two chances to repeat. Repetition is generally because there are too many failed courses in this school year and the credits cannot meet the requirements. After repeating the grade, as long as you make up the subjects that failed the exam, the exam will pass and the credits will meet the requirements. Repetition is not only a waste of money, but also a waste of precious time, giving people a bad impression.
However, students can have the right to state and defend themselves before the school makes the punishment of repeating the grade.
1. A written complaint shall be submitted to the school student complaint handling committee within 5 working days from the date of receiving the school's disciplinary decision.
2. After receiving the review decision of the school's appeal handling committee, if you are not satisfied with the reply, you can submit a written complaint to the provincial education administrative department where the school is located within 15 working days.
3. Students can file a written complaint with the provincial education administrative department where the school is located according to law. If the education administrative department does not reply, they can bring a lawsuit to the court.