1, which has no effect on the graduation certificate. No matter how many times you retake the exam, the report card shows 60 points. I retaken the math exam sadly, and finally graduated smartly, without any consequences. There is a conventional saying in Weiyuan exam that the failure rate (the most serious in the Department of Economics and Management) was caught. Maybe you are unlucky and will be slapped.
2, retake the exam is the exam next year and the next level, and the exam time will definitely not coincide. Papers graded by students are approved separately. As long as the answer is similar, the teacher will definitely give it.
If you are really unlucky and fail to retake the exam, you will have to wait until your junior year to take the exam with someone else's freshman. Otherwise, one month before graduation, there will be a "problems left by graduates" exam, and everyone will pass it. In fact, the management of exams in our school is quite lax, hehe, good luck ~