If you can't take the final exam and retake it for special reasons, you should go through the extension formalities before the exam. Any business trip, hospitalization and postgraduate entrance examination are normal extensions, and others are abnormal extensions. There is no charge for normal extension, and half of the course selection fee is charged for abnormal extension.
Students who are approved to postpone the exam will have normal opportunities to postpone the exam. Students must go to the academic affairs office of their college next semester to inquire about the arrangement of the postponed exam and take the placement exam for the postponed exam. The Academic Affairs Office does not separately organize special examinations for postponed courses. ? Those who fail to go through the formalities for examination and approval of deferred examination in advance and do not take the course completion examination shall be treated as absenteeism.
Those who have gone through the formalities of suspension from school, but failed to participate in suspension from school or failed to do so, shall be treated as resumption of school. It should also be noted that students should not apply for more than three courses each semester.