Delft University of Technology is one of the top universities in the world and is known as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Europe. Delft University of Technology, located in Delft, the Netherlands, is the largest and most comprehensive university of technology in the Netherlands.
With more than 13000 students and 2 100 researchers, her disciplines such as aviation engineering, electronic engineering and water conservancy engineering have a leading position and excellent reputation in the world. She has established an IDEA alliance with Imperial College London in London, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and Aachen University of Technology.
Delft University of Technology was founded by King William II of the Netherlands on 1842654381October 8, when it was named "Royal Institute of Engineering". On May 22nd 1905, it was renamed Delft Institute of Advanced Technology and became an academic education institution. There were about 450 students during this period. At first, all the school buildings were located in the center of Delft, but in the middle of the 20th century, they were divided into special university areas.