1, National University of Singapore. The National University of Singapore, located in the Republic of Singapore, is a member of Pacific Rim University Alliance, Asian University Alliance, Global University Presidents Forum, Asia-Pacific International Education Association, International Research University Alliance, Universitas2 1, New Engineering Education International Alliance and International Applied Science and Technology Development Cooperation Network.
2. Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is a research-intensive university in Singapore.
3. Singapore Management University. Singapore Management University (SMU) is the top university in Asia, and is internationally renowned for its world-class research and excellent teaching.
4. Singapore University of Science and Technology Design. SUTD is the fourth public university established in Singapore after the National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University and Singapore Management University.
5. Singapore University of Science and Technology. SingaporeInstituteofTechnology, formerly known as Singapore Institute of Technology, was announced by the Singapore government on March 28, 20 14. Singapore Institute of Technology was upgraded to the fifth public university in Singapore and renamed as Singapore University of Science and Technology.
6. Niigata University of Social Sciences, Singapore. Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) is a public applied research university located in the Golden District of Singapore.