If you really think that junior college education is a little low, you might as well upgrade your education, such as taking the college entrance examination, which will also enable you to find a higher starting point in the future. A college degree proves that we graduated from college. If we don't have a college degree, it proves that we may just graduate from a technical secondary school or just be an ordinary high school student. Is this the identity you want? Bian Xiao believes that most people don't want this kind of life, so here, Bian Xiao also hopes that everyone can study hard.
We should not always pay attention to what others think of our education. As long as you think you're paying attention. Even with a junior college degree, we still have the opportunity to upgrade our academic qualifications in the future, but if you don't have this junior college degree, it is impossible to take the undergraduate course in the future.
Learning is endless. Maybe it's because we didn't study hard in high school. As long as everyone can realize their own problems and improve their academic qualifications in the future, then this is also a feasible thing. Don't always think that you are inferior to others with a college degree. Even if you have a college degree, we have surpassed many people, and we also rely on our own efforts.