Doctoral direction:
1. Literature Studies in English-speaking Countries
Research areas:
10119-20th century American novels/feminism
102 English novels/western literary theory
103 British modern novels/western literary theory
English Literature and Cross-cultural Studies
105 modern and contemporary western critical theory
American Fiction and Narrative Theory
107 study of American novels
108 Study on Austen's Novels
109 Study on Monroe's Novels
1 10 modern western literary theory
2. Applied linguistics
Research areas:
20 1 foreign language education
3. Research on English-speaking Countries
Research areas:
30 1 American studies
302 Cross-cultural Communication Research
303 European studies
304 American political studies
305 American studies
306 international economy
American politics and diplomacy
308 international relations
Cobo bibliography:
A study of Canadian women's novels in the 20th century (Professor Geng Liping from English College)
1, W.J. Keith, Canadian English Literature History, Peking University Press, 2009.
2. Northrop Frye, Bush Garden: An Essay on Canadian Imagination. (any version)
3. Margaret Atwood, Survival: A Special Guide to Canadian Literature. (any version)
4. Gé rard Genette, Narrative Discourse: Methodology (Cornell University Press, 1980).
5. E·M· Forster, Various Aspects of Fiction (London: Arnold Publishing House, 1927).
6. Virginia Woolf, Ordinary Readers, the first and second series (any version of Huo Jiasi Publishing House).
English Literature and Cross-cultural Studies (Professor Tao Jiajun, School of English)
1, Terry Eagleton. English novels: an introduction. Oxford: Blackwell, 2005.
Ian watt. The rise of novels. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1957.
Paul J. hunt Before the novel. Norton Company, 1992.
4. Leavis. Great tradition. (any version).
Bill ashcroft, Gareth Griffith and Helen Tiffany. The empire wrote
Theory and practice in postcolonial literature. London:
Routledge, 1989.
6. Ellerker Bomer. Colonial and postcolonial literature. Oxford: Oxford University, 1995.
Edward said. Culture and imperialism. Year, 1994.
8. Xiong Yuezhi: Western Learning and the Late Qing Society, published by Shanghai People's Publishing House 1994.
9. Zhang Longxi: Ten Theories on Chinese and Western Cultural Studies, Fudan University Press, 2005.
The Trend of Modern and Contemporary Western Criticism Theory (Professor Tao Jiajun of English College)
1, Terry Eagleton. Literary theory: an introduction. Oxford: Blackwell, 1983.
Lois Tai Sen. Today's critical theory. New york: routledge Publishing House, 2006.
Fran? ois Doss. History of structuralism (two volumes). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1997.
Robert younger. Post-colonialism: an introduction to history. Oxford: Blackwell Press, 200 1.
Jonathan kalle. Theory and criticism after structuralism. Cornell University Press, 2008.
American research direction (Professor Sun of English College)
1, David m Kennedy, etc. Horton Mifflin College Branch, 2005.
Arthur m Schlesinger, Jr. and Morton white. The road of American thought. Horton Mifflin, 1963.
Moore Eugene Courtie. The development of American thought. Transaction publisher, 1982.
4. Loading personnel. American thought: the history of thought. Krieger Bar Limited, 1975.
5. Gloria K. Fiero. Humanism tradition. (Sun Zhu) FLTRP, 20 14 edition.
6. Feng Tianyu waiting: The Cultural History of China, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 20 10 edition.
Research direction of cross-cultural communication (Professor Sun of English College)
1, Dennis McGuire. McQuayle's theory of mass communication. SAGE Publishing Company Limited, 20 10.
2. William B. Goody Kunst and Bella Modi. manual
International and cross-cultural exchanges. Sage publishing company,
200 1
Jane Stokes. How to do media and cultural research? SAGE publishing co., ltd, 20 12.
Helen Spencer Oti and Pat Franklin. Intercultural
Interaction: A Cross-cultural and Multidisciplinary Approach
Communication. FLTRP, 20 10 edition.
5. Gloria K. Fiero. Humanism tradition. (Sun Zhu) FLTRP, 20 14 edition.
6. Feng Tianyu waiting: The Cultural History of China, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 20 10 edition.
European Studies (Professor Wang, College of English)
1, nugent and Neil, Government and Politics in the European Union, basingstoke, Hampshire: palgrave Macmillan, 20 10.
2. Leach, Robert, Bill Kirks, Lyndon Robbins, English politics,
Houndmills in basingstoke, Hampshire: palgrave Macmillan, 20 1 1.
(Please also refer to the translation of the earlier version of this book, published by Peking University Press [English] Bill Cox: Contemporary British Politics, 4th edition, Peking University Press, 2009).
3.[ America] almond: "Contemporary Comparative Politics: World Vision", Shanghai People's Publishing House, 20 10.
4.[ America] grieco and ikenberry: State Power and World Market: International Political Economy, Peking University Press, 2008.
5. Articles published in European Studies, JCMS and other domestic and foreign journals about the latest development of European politics and British politics in recent years.
American Political Studies (Professor Xie Tao, English College)
A study of American presidents;
William Howell. 2003. Unconvincing Power: Politics
The president's direct action. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Stephen Skoro Neck. 1993. Policies formulated by the President. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
George Edwards III. 1980. President's influence in Congress. San Francisco: Freeman.
U.s. congressional studies:
Barbara Sinclair. 2006. Party War: Polarization and Politics
National decision making. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
David R. mayhew 2005. Divided Our Rule: Party Control, Legislation,
And investigation, 1946-2002, 2nd edition. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Keith Kraybill. 199 1. Information and legislative organizations. Ann arbor: University of Michigan Press.