The tuition fees of business analysis major in business school are $27,207/year, marketing major is $25,974/year, and other majors are $43,290/year. The tuition fee for the major of electrical engineering and computer science in the College of Engineering and Computer Science is $48,557/year, and that for other majors is $24,984/year. The tuition fee for psychology major in the College of Arts and Sciences is $365,438+0,056/year, and that for other majors is $24,984/year. The professional tuition fee of Civil and Public Affairs College is 365,438+0,056 USD/year; The tuition fee for JD program of Law School is $44,000/year, and that for LLM program is $49,500/year; Tuition fee of School of Physical Education and Human Dynamics is 24 138 USD/year; The tuition fee of the School of Architecture is 24,984 USD/year; The tuition fee of Information College is 24 138 USD/year.