Average score of the highest score and the lowest score of the professional name.
Clinical medicine (five-year program) 677 659 664.92
Clinical medicine (eight-year program) 687 668 674.62
Physical examination 656 638 644.58
Medical technology 653 604 6 19.72
Rehabilitation therapeutics 627 6 10 6 17.438+0
Nursing 627 603 6 13.75
Sichuan science admission in 2007
Average score of the highest score and the lowest score of the professional name.
Clinical medicine (five-year program) 622 608 6 14.06
Clinical medicine (eight-year program) 649 6 19 627+0
Physical examination 6 14 58 1 592.44
Medical technology 6 10 562 573.88
Nursing 593 562 57 1.03
Sichuan science admission in 2006
Average score of the highest score and the lowest score of the professional name.
Clinical medicine (five-year program) 642 633 638.67
Clinical medicine (eight-year program) 658 633 64 1.84
Physical examination 631600614.6438+07
Medical technology 628 582 596.04
Nursing 620 582 595.77