Generally speaking, if a student's score is above 85, we will classify it as excellent; From 75 to 84, we will be divided into good; The interval of 65-74 is general; 60-64 points qualified; The score below 60 is unqualified. The quality of students in major universities is different, and the excellent standards of schools for students are different, so the algorithms are also different. Some colleges and universities need more than 95 points to be excellent, and the range of 80-94 points is good; Some colleges and universities are excellent with a score above 90, and the range of 80-90 is good.
Calculation method of university final grade: multiply the credits of a course by the percentage score of the course as the weighted score of the course. Divide the sum of all the students' weighted scores by the students' total course scores as the students' weighted average scores. If you take the same course for many times, you will get high marks, and the grades of failing courses will not count, and the non-hundred-point grades will not count.