1. Paris Dauphine University
2. Toulouse First University of Social Sciences (Toulouse 1- Toulouse University 1- Social Sciences)
3. University of Paris I (Paris 1- Panthé on-Sorbonne University)
4. University of Grenoble II (University of Grenoble II-Pierre Mendes University of France)
5. Paul University of Cezanne-Aix-Marseille 3- University of Paul Cézanne
6. University of Strasbourg I (Strasbourg 1- louis pasteur University)
7. Claude University-University of Lyon I (Lyon 1- Claude Bernard University)
8. Yule? Verne-University of Piccadilly, jules verne
9. University of Lumiere-Lyon II (University of Lyon II-Lumiere)
10. Ovani–University of clermont-ferrand I–University of Overwien.
1 1. Lille First University of Science and Technology (Lille 1- Lille University of Science and Technology)
12. University of Paris VI (Paris VI-Pierre and Marie Curie University)
13. University of Montpellier I-University of Montpellier 1
14. University of the Mediterranean (University of Aix-Marseille II-University of the Mediterranean)