Now medicine is based on the "biomedical model" and is divided into traditional medicine and western medicine developed in modern times. In the 20th century, western medicine developed into a "social-psychological-biomedical model" or a comprehensive medical model. The rise of systems biology in the post-genome era has led to the rapid development of systems medicine in the world, and it has become the future medicine of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine after traditional medicine and western medicine.
With the rapid development of science and technology, many new technologies, new materials and new drugs (including recombinant biological factors, etc. ) will strongly promote the development of clinical medicine. The medical model has developed from biological model to biological-psychological-social model. Primary medical care, even if the people of the whole country get good first-line medical services, general practice is quietly emerging.
From the employment form, the medical employment situation is still the best. For the professional ranking of China University, the Ministry of Education announced the initial employment rate of graduates from 44 directly affiliated universities, and the overall initial employment rate of each university reached 82%.
The employment implementation rates of these 44 universities by discipline are as follows:
92.08% in medicine, 87.88% in education, 85.54% in science, 84.75% in agriculture, 80.09% in history, 75.98% in philosophy, 74. 1 1% in economics, 74.05% in literature and 69.49% in law.