Student loan is a loan specially approved for college students with financial difficulties to help them study normally and pay tuition and accommodation fees. After applying for a student loan, there is no interest during school study. Calculate interest and repay the loan after graduation. College students, undergraduates and graduate students can apply.
The loan steps are as follows:
(1) Log in to the website "Student Online Service System of China Development Bank" to fill in the registration application and export the application form.
② Students and their * * * borrowers bring the application form, ID cards of both parties, the original household registration book and the original university admission notice to the Student Financial Assistance Center of the local education bureau.
(3) With the help and guidance of the field staff,
After passing the examination, report to the university with the admission certificate.
How to apply for a college student loan? What are the requirements?
First, the application conditions of college student loan:
1, with full capacity for civil conduct;
2, honest and trustworthy, law-abiding, no illegal behavior;
3. Good academic performance and normal completion of studies;
4. The income earned during the school period is not enough to cover the basic expenses (including tuition and basic living expenses) needed to complete their studies;
5 strictly abide by the provisions of the state, the handling bank and the school on the national student loan, promise to use the loan correctly and fulfill the repayment obligation according to the regulations, and open a current account in the loan bank.
6. Other conditions stipulated by the lending bank.
Two, apply for national student loans of college students need to submit information:
1, provide necessary information about my family's economic situation (generally including my written application, family economic situation questionnaire, proof of difficulties at street or township level or above, guarantor's guarantee and my actual performance, etc.). );
2, commitment to repay the loan liability clause;
3. Provide loans to repay the guarantor.
Third, the application process of student loans:
1, student application
Students receive the "National Student Loan Application Approval Form" and other materials, fill them out truthfully and completely, and prepare relevant supporting materials to return to the school's national student loan agency.
2, the school institutions to review the loan.
School institutions organize students to apply for loans and accept student loan applications within the annual loan amount and control ratio issued by the National Student Loan Management Center.
3, the handling bank for loan approval.
The handling bank shall complete the audit within 20 working days after receiving the information form and application materials submitted by the school.
4. Sign a loan contract with students.
After the loan application is approved, the school will organize students to fill in, sign loan contracts and IOUs within 10 working days according to the loan student roster provided by the handling bank, and submit them to the handling bank.
Step 5 issue loans
The handling bank shall, within 20 working days after signing the loan contract and iou with the borrowing students, uniformly transfer the first-year tuition, accommodation and living expenses into the designated account opened by the school in the handling bank.
Step 6 repay the loan
Borrowing students should pay attention to their own credit and repay on time after completing their studies with student loans. 60 days before graduation every year, the school will organize the borrowing students to go to the handling bank to go through the repayment confirmation procedures, and the handling bank will send people to provide on-site service to explain the repayment related matters to the borrowing students and answer their inquiries.
Extended data:
There are generally two kinds of student loans commonly used by college students: national student loans and student credit student loans. The national student loan is a bank loan led by the government, subsidized by the government, and operated by banks, education administrative departments and universities to help poor students in colleges and universities. Borrowing students do not need to apply for loan guarantee or mortgage, but they need to promise to repay on time and bear relevant legal responsibilities.
Student-origin credit student loan refers to the student loan issued by China Development Bank to eligible college freshmen and students with financial difficulties, which is handled in the county (city, district) where the students are registered before entering school. The loan funds are mainly used for students to pay tuition and accommodation fees during their school days. Student-origin credit student loan is an important part of college student loan.