Original text:
If the ancient desire is obviously superior to the world, rule the country first; If you want to govern your country, you should first get your family together; ? If you want to reunite with your family, you should first repair your body; If you want to cultivate yourself, you should be upright first; If you want to be correct, be sincere first; Be sincere, let him know first; Knowledge exists in things.
Things are known; Knowing it is sincere; Sincerity before righteousness; Put your mind right and practice again; After the body is repaired, the family is clean and tidy; Family harmony, and then national governance; The country rules and the world is at peace. From Tian Zi to Shu Ren, one is based on self-cultivation. If it goes wrong in the end, it can't be cured. Thick is thin, thin is thick, nothing!
In ancient times, if you want to carry forward the aboveboard character in the world, you must first manage your own country; To govern the country well, we must first govern the family and clan; If you want to manage your family and family well, you must first cultivate your own character; If you want to cultivate your character, you must first correct your mentality; If you want to correct your heart, you must first make your heart sincere; If you want to make your thoughts sincere, you must first get rid of bad thoughts; Know the true nature.
Get rid of the bad selfish desires and material desires in your heart, show your virtue and know your sincerity. Ideas can be sincere; Sincere heart, square heart; With a correct mind, we can cultivate our own character; Only through the cultivation of character can we run a good family and family; Only when the family and clan are well managed can the country be well managed; Only when the country is well governed can the world be peaceful.
From the head of state to the common people, everyone should be self-cultivation-oriented. If this is fundamentally disturbed, it is impossible for families, families, countries and the world to be well governed. You can't put the cart before the horse, and you want to do a good job regardless of priorities.