This happened in Simedinpur District, West Bengal, India on May 3rd, 20021. The victim is Saswati Jana, a 2 1 year-old girl, who is a sophomore at Debra College in West Medinipur. On the afternoon of the incident, Saswati went out to pee after dinner and didn't go home until evening. Anxious relatives gradually looked for her everywhere.
Finally, a few hours later, they found Saswati's body in an abandoned house. At that time, she was wearing only a coat and coat, and her body was covered with scars. The relatives of Saswati saw this scene and immediately called the police. After the police arrived at the scene, they collected Saswati's body and sent it to the forensic doctor's office for autopsy. Then the police gradually filed a case for investigation.
The day after the incident, the police arrested three suspects, two masons, Bicas Mumm and Giotto Munda, and another woman, Tapati Patra, was also involved. After a rigorous interrogation by the police, the three suspects finally confessed their crimes. On that day, two masons Bikas Mumm and Giotto Munda invaded the girl Saswati, while Tapati Patra, a woman, helped watch the gate when committing the crime. Later, in order not to be exposed, three suspects brutally dismembered the girl Saswati.
After the incident, the local people held a large-scale strong protest theme activity, stipulating that justice should be done for absurd girls. Another customer on the social network said that the girl Saswati was a supporter of the Bharatiya Janata Party and suspected that she was murdered because of her political beliefs. It is understood that after the election results were announced in West Bengal, India, where these girls belong, a large-scale unrest broke out. At present, more than a dozen people have been killed in violent conflicts. The Bharatiya Janata Party claimed that at least six party member were dismembered.