Statistics on the number of undergraduates in Shenzhen University by grade.
Serial number and ratio of male and female grades
2 2008 6367 34. 1 1% 3383 53. 13% 2984 46.87%
3 2007 589 1 3 1.56% 3 124 53.03% 2767 46.97%
4 2006 5904 3 1.63% 3 182 53.90% 2722 46. 10%
5 2005 377 2.02% 272 72. 15% 105 27.85%
6 2004 62 0.33% 52 83.87% 10 16. 13%
7 2003 1 0.0 1% 1 100.00% 0 0.00%