Title: Professor, Chief Physician and Doctoral Supervisor.
Position: Dean of Tongji University School of Stomatology and Affiliated Stomatological Hospital
Director of oral and maxillofacial surgery, School of Stomatology, Tongji University
Director of Implant Dentistry, Stomatological Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University
1993 obtained the medical doctor's degree from China Medical University.
In 2002, he received a doctorate in dentistry from Nagasaki University in Japan.
From April 2002 to March 2004, he worked as a scientific lecturer and the second oral surgery assistant in the Affiliated Hospital of Department of Stomatology, Nagasaki University, Japan.
In 2004, the postdoctoral fellow of oral and maxillofacial surgery in the Ninth People's Hospital of Shanghai Second Medical University left the station.
February to June, 2008, University of California, Los Angeles Dental Implant Center.