In 20 13, Laverne University ranked 95th in the overall ranking of undergraduate programs in the United States, and ranked among the top 100 universities in China in US News and World Report. University of la verne Business School has been certified by AACSB and American Doctor of Management D.P.A. The strict AACSB certification system and high standards represent the highest achievement of a business school in the world. Lavin Business School is accredited by NASPAA. He holds a master's degree in public administration from the American Institute for Policy Analysis and Management. 202 1 American news American university rankings 1 12.
La verne University in the United States consists of liberal arts college, business college, education and organizational leadership college, law school, public administration and health management college, and continuing education college. There are also many teaching points scattered in California and outside California, and Alaska also has military teaching points. The school also has a branch in Greece. The best subjects in universities are engineering, history and natural science, while the better subjects are English, philosophy and psychology. Mbas in logistics management, finance and accounting also rank well.