1, Liu Sheng, 165 to 1 13, a vassal of the Western Han Dynasty, the son of Emperor Wu Liu Qi, and his half-brother, his mother is Mrs. Jia. Three years ago, he was made king of Zhongshan. Liu Sheng is a good place for drinking and drinking, with more than 120 children. In the fourth year of Ding Yuan, Liu Sheng died at the age of 53. Posthumous title "Jing" is known as Zhongshan in history.
2. Dou Wan, wife of Zhongshan Wang Liu Sheng, was found in Hebei on 1968. Dou Wansheng was buried before the first year of Han Dynasty. She is the mother of Emperor Jing of Han Dynasty and a member of Dou Taihou Dou.