Available cooperation projects:
Yale University Biomedical World Scholars Program Scholarship Committee
Ph.D. Program of Harvard University, USA
Doctoral program of University of Louisville, USA
Ph.D. Program at Nebraska State University Medical Center
University of California joint doctoral program.
Postgraduate Scholarship Program of Overseas Study Fund Committee of Victoria University
Ph.D. Program of University of British Columbia, Canada
Doctor program of Concordia University, Canada
Dr university of alberta's project.
Doctor program of McGill University in Canada
Ph.D. program at the University of Montreal, Canada
Scholarship program for China students to reduce the tuition fees of foreign students in Quebec.
China-Canada Bethune Health Research Scholarship Program
China Ministry of Education-Canadian National Research Council Joint Training Doctoral Program
China Ministry of Education-Canadian Ministry of Agriculture Joint Training Doctoral Program
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center Joint Training Doctoral Students Project
Australian national university doctoral program
Ph.D. Program of james cook University.
Master program of Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Doctoral program of Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Doctoral program of School of Economics and Business, University of Sydney, Australia
Doctoral program of University of Sydney, Australia
Doctoral program of Macquarie University in Australia
Doctor program of the University of Western Australia, Australia
Doctoral program of University of Adelaide, Australia
Doctoral program of Monash University in Australia
Doctor program of Newcastle University, Australia
Doctoral program of the University of New South Wales, Australia
China Ministry of Education-Australian Commonwealth Science and Technology Organization Joint Training Doctoral Program
Sino-Singapore government doctoral exchange scholarship program
Ph.D. program at the University of Auckland, New Zealand
Sino-British Scholarship Program for Outstanding Young Scholars
Doctoral program of Oxford University, UK
Ph.D. program at Cambridge University, UK
Doctoral program of University of Edinburgh, UK
Wang Kuancheng Scholarship Doctoral Program at King's College, University of London, UK
Doctoral program of Nottingham University, UK
Ph.D. program at Hull University, UK
Master program at Portsmouth University, UK
Ph.D. Program of Glasgow University, UK
Doctor program of Queen Mary College, University of London, UK
Doctor program at King's College, University of London, UK
Sino-British Joint "Chi Fenling" Scholarship Project
Sino-German DAAD PhD Scholarship Program
German Helmholtz Federation Young Scholars Exchange Program
Ph.D. Program of German Adenauer Foundation
German Saidel Foundation jointly trains doctoral students.
Ph.D. Program of University of Munich, Germany
Doctoral program of Free University of Berlin, Germany
Sino-French doctoral college project
Doctoral program of France University of Technology-Applied Academy of Sciences Group
Doctoral programs of five central universities of science and technology in France
Sino-French 4+4 project
Sino-French 9+9 Project
Sino-French particle physics laboratory doctoral program
Doctoral program of Irish University Federation
Ph.D. Program of University of Dublin, Ireland
Doctor program of Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Doctoral program of Leiden University in the Netherlands
Dr. utrecht university project in the Netherlands
Doctoral program at Uppsala University, Sweden
Master program of Royal Swedish Institute of Technology
Doctoral program of Royal Swedish Institute of Technology
Swiss government art scholarship program
Doctoral program of Free University of Brussels, Belgium
Ph.D. program at the University of Leuven, Belgium
Sino-Singapore government exchange scholarship program
Sino-Singapore Fund Prime Minister Scholarship Program
Korean government exchange scholarship program
Japanese Government (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) Doctoral Scholarship Program
Scholarship for doctoral dissertations of Japan Academic Promotion Association
Ph.D. Program of Asia Institute of Technology in Thailand
International Rice Research Institute's Joint Project of Cultivating Doctoral Students
See:/chuguo/d3315bd2efd54f3aa8844fd3702e4b75.shtml for details.