EE ranking 2005 (from USNEWS2005)
The Best Graduate School in America in 2005
Grade. | School | Average evaluation score (5 = highest)
1. MIT |4.9
Stanford University (California) |4.9
University of California at Berkeley |4.9
4. California Institute of Technology |4.8
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |4.8
6. University of Michigan at Ann Arbor |4.6
7. Georgia Institute of Technology |4.5
8 | Carnegie Mellon University (PA)|4.4
Cornell University (new york) |4.3
Purdue University-West lafayette (UK) |4.3
1 1. Princeton University (New Jersey) |4.2
12. UCLA |4. 1
| University of Texas at Austin |4. 1
14. University of California, San Diego |3.8
University of California, Santa Barbara |3.8
| University of Maryland-College Park |3.8
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities |3.8
University of Southern California (Andrew and Erna Viterbi) |3.8
19.| Columbia University (Fu Foundation) (new york) |3.7
| Pennsylvania State University-University Park |3.7
Rensselaer Institute of Technology (new york) |3.7
Rice University (Texas) |3.7
Texas A&M University. M University-College Station |3.7
University of Washington |3.7
University of Wisconsin-Madison |3.7
26. Johns Hopkins University (MD) |3.6
North Carolina State University |3.6
Northwest University |3.6
Ohio State University |3.6
Virginia Tech |3.6
3 1. University of Florida |3.5
32. University of Colorado at Boulder |3.4
33. Duke University |3.3
University of Arizona |3.3
University of Pennsylvania |3.3
Washington University in St. Louis |3.3
37.Arizona State University
Yale University |3.2
| Iowa State University |3. 1
University of California, Davis |3. 1
| Notre Dame University (middle) |3. 1
| University of Virginia |3. 1
| case western reserve university (OH)|3.0
University of Technology (new york) |3.0
University of Massachusetts at amherst |3.0
46. Boston University |2.9
Brown University |2.9
Colorado State University |2.9
Michigan State University |2.9
| Rutgers State University-New Brunswick (New Jersey) |2.9
University of California at Irvine |2.9
University of New Mexico |2.9
Vanderbilt University |2.9
54. University of drexel (Pennsylvania) |2.8
| Lehigh University |2.8
Northeastern University (Ma) |2.8
University of Oregon |2.8
Syracuse University (new york) |2.8
University of Pittsburgh |2.8
University of Rochester (new york) |2.8
University of Utah |2.8
62. Auburn University |2.7
University of Connecticut |2.7
University of Delaware |2.7
University of Illinois at Chicago |2.7
University of Iowa |2.7
Worcester Institute of Technology (Master) |2.7
68. Brigham Young University |2.6
Clemson University |2.6
Southern Methodist University (Texas) |2.6
| SUNY-–Shixi |2.6
| Texas Tech University |2.6
University of Cincinnati |2.6
University of North Carolina at Charlotte |2.6
Washington State University |2.6
76. Illinois Institute of Technology |2.5
Oklahoma State University |2.5
Tufts University (MA) |2.5
SUNY University of Buffalo |2.5
University of Tennessee |2.5