Let's start with the most direct. The purpose of study is to get a good grade, not to repeat the exam, not to make up the exam, to get a scholarship, to get a postgraduate qualification and to get a certificate. So studying in college is really important. We must understand that we are here to study.
University is an important stage in our life. Through study, we can have profound knowledge, which will give you a good job and good treatment. Of course, it is undeniable that we can also find a good partner who suits us. All that is needed is that you study hard in college and become a better person than others. In order to live a better life in the future, we need to make unremitting efforts, keep learning and keep moving forward.
Others say that they study for their dreams. Dreams are the source of strength, and dreams are the existence of goals. Because of dreams, we are more determined. When we were young, our dream was to go to college. In order to realize this dream, we work hard and struggle constantly, so now we are honored to be college students, which shows the weight of our dream. Some people want to be entrepreneurs in the future, so they choose administration, while others want to study chemistry, so they choose chemistry major and so on. I once had a friend whose family has been practicing medicine for generations, so she set up the dream of becoming a doctor since she was a child. At that time, in his high school, he had been exposed to these things. Because of his dream, he never complained to us about his feelings when he first contacted them. Now that he has been admitted to a good medical school, he firmly believes that he can be a great doctor in the future. Dreams are great. It is because of dreams that we keep forging ahead and learning.
Learning is for the hope of the family. People live in this world, half for themselves and half for their families. Learning is for the hope of family. We have been taught since childhood to study hard and find a good job in the future. Looking at our parents who raised us with hardships, how can we bear to let them worry about our study because our black hair turns white and wrinkles appear on our smooth face? So we decided to study hard and repay their efforts with our own achievements, so that they can enjoy the happiness and satisfaction we brought them in their later years.
Although the university lacks our previous goals, it doesn't mean that you want to be different from others in the future. If you want to realize your dream for many years, and if you expect to repay your parents in the future, you should seize the opportunity now and study hard in college.