The real questions of CET-6 over the years are our best training materials. By doing real questions, we can understand the changes of exam questions and feel the style and difficulty of exam questions, so as to feel the atmosphere of the exam and ease the tension in the examination room. In order to achieve this goal, we must strictly follow the time of the exam when doing the real questions. For each real question, we should ponder over it repeatedly, such as reading the listening materials, understanding the new words in reading comprehension and analyzing the long and difficult sentences. This kind of targeted practical training has the best effect.
Second, practice listening repeatedly.
Listening occupies a large proportion in CET-6, so we can't ignore it at all. Listening should combine extensive listening with intensive listening. First, the accumulation of doses should be used to train one's sense of language, which means listening more. Wait until you have a sense of language, and then listen carefully. When listening attentively, you can use the listening questions of the past years for training and carefully ponder each reading material, including its pronunciation skills, pronunciation and intonation. In fact, it is training your listening comprehension.
Third, accumulate good words and sentences.
In fact, the accumulated words and sentences are helpful to English learning, but in the CET-4 and CET-6, they are directly beneficial to writing and translation. Writing and translation are the places that need to be accumulated most. The improvement of CET-6 writing and translation is a process of accumulating a large number of words and phrases and then fully mobilizing these accumulated words and phrases to form a complete sentence or even a chapter. So I suggest you pay more attention to accumulation.
Fourth, read more wrong books.
Don't think that you can't be wrong if you do the wrong question. If you don't write it down and ponder it over and over again until it is completely digested, you are likely to make mistakes again next time. At this time, the role of the wrong title book is highlighted. You can copy your mistakes in your notebook, and write down the mistakes and detailed analysis by the way, making breakthroughs one by one and taking a look from time to time. This effect is definitely much better than if you have been immersed in the problem.