It can be seen that formal teachers in primary and secondary schools are not allowed to do part-time remedial work. In addition, you can make proper use of your business time to engage in some other part-time jobs.
In addition to primary and secondary school students, formal teachers in training institutions and universities can also work part-time. Although he is a regular teacher, his salary is relatively low. Therefore, in addition to regular in-service teachers in primary and secondary schools, other teachers can also be part-time teachers, such as teaching in other training institutions or doing other jobs part-time.
In short, regular teachers can do part-time jobs, depending on the title of the teacher and the stage of the students they teach. We can't generalize. At any stage, regular teachers can take part-time jobs unrelated to teaching in winter and summer vacations, such as part-time translation and part-time writing.
Teachers can engage in a series of part-time jobs in a certain field as long as they have specific and outstanding abilities. Some art teachers, in particular, can also make good use of their summer vacation to go to other people's homes to teach privately.