You can't get a diploma if you don't make up the exam or don't clear the class after failing the course.
According to common sense, you can make up the exam if you fail, and you can retake it if you fail. Finally, if it still doesn't work, the school will arrange the final exam, which is generally relatively simple. Under normal circumstances, you should be able to get a diploma.
Preventive measures to avoid failing in universities;
Generally speaking, unless you are a complicated major, you won't fail the course if you take a good class. Of course, it doesn't include the abnormal course of advanced mathematics, which may change the world in a blink of an eye. In addition to specialized courses, many majors only have two public courses: politics and English. English is the foundation of this course, and you can still guarantee that you won't fail. Politics, in general, will be in the textbook.
At the end of each semester, the teacher of the public class will mark the scope of the exam for the students, and the students must not miss class at this time. Probably because of the lack of this course, they failed this course. Generally speaking, as long as the teacher grades the students in the public class, the questions in the exam will definitely come from the teacher's paintings.
What is the basic course of aerobics?
Flexibility, strength of waist, abdomen, back, upper limbs and legs, coordination ability, stretching ability and completi