College setting (Chinese translation is for reference only): UFR College of Art, Literature and Language-Metz College of Language and Literature-Metz Soyal Campus Affiliated College, Literature and Language College-Nancy Institute of Language-Nancy Institute of Liberation Art, Nancy-Villville College of European University Center for Literature and Language (CEU), Leopold Law College, Economics College, Management College, Economics and Management College.
Nancy-Villeville School of Law and Management, Leo Polder School of Law, Economics and IAE Nancy School of Advanced Administration and Management.
Nancy Nancy-Villeville, Lé opold Droit, éeconomie, Preparatory Office of the General Administration (IPAG)
School of Mathematics and Information Engineering-Nancy Verville, Lé opold Droit, é conomie, legal management facilities, é conomie, Metz administration.
Metz-Saul cytoit, é conomie, Gestionufr School of Law, Economics and Management? IAE advanced school of management
IAE· Metz School of Advanced Management-School of Economic and Technical Policy, Interregional Library Training Management Center (M? DIAL)Nancy-CharlemagneCycle Institute of Technology Preparatory Office–-Vand Institute of Technology Preparatory Office? Uvre lès NancyLorraine-INP (School of Engineering)? European School of Materials Engineering (EEIGM)
EEIGM- Nancy-stanislas, Merserroien -InP (Paris Institute of Higher Learning)? Metz National School of Engineers (ENIM)
Metz -Technop, Metz National Institute of Engineers? LeLorraine-INP (School of Engineering)? National Higher School of Agriculture and Food Industry
Nancy Vand College of Advanced Food and Agriculture? Uvre lès NancyLorraine-INP (School of Engineering)? National Higher School of Electric Power and Machinery
Advanced Institute of Electrical Engineering-Nancy Vand? uvre-lès-NancyLorraine-INP(éColes d ' Inge nieurs)? National Institute of Advanced Geology (ENSG)
Nancy Nancy Geological College? Uvre lès NancyLorraine-INP (School of Engineering)? National Institute of Advanced Systems and Innovation (ENSGSI)
Nancy stanislas University School of Systems Engineering and Innovation? National Institute of Chemical Industry
Institute of Chemical Industry-Nancy-Villeville, Lorraine Leo Polder -InP (é Coles d 'Ing é nieurs)? Nanxi National Advanced Mining School
Nancy-Brendan Lorraine-InP (é coles d 'ing é nieurs), National Institute of Advanced Mining, Nancy? Boyce National Higher Technical and Industrial School (ENSTIB)
Wood industry research institute? pinalLorraine-INP(éColes d ' Inge nieurs)? Nanxi advanced science and technology school
Vand, an engineer at the National Institute of Science and Technology, Nancy? Nancy telecom company
villers lès Nancy Lorraine-InP(éColes d ' ingénieurs)? Professors and law colleges? Education (esp? )
Max é villeinterface French Institute of Advanced Technology, Economics and Science, School of Teaching and Education.
France-Germany Institute of Advanced Technology, Economics and Science (ISFATES) France-Germany Institute-Metz-Institute of Technical Communication Language (Lansad) Nancy-Libé Rational Communication Facility-Doctor of Medicine
Department of Medicine-Nancy Vand? Uvre lès Nancy santé School of Dentistry
Nancy Dental College, Nancy, Nancy, Nancy
Nancy College of Pharmacy-Nancy College of Sports Science, Nancy.
Villers lè s Nancy Santé Department Staples, Department of Sports Science
STAPS-Metz-Bridouxsantédépart of la premier année community de studies de sante(pace)
Department of Public Health (first year)-Nancy-Nancy Institute of Technology, Nancy.
College of Science and Technology-Nancy Vand? Mathematics, information, mechanical finance science and technology
Mathematics, Informatics, Mechanics (Mechanical and Civil Engineering)-Meso Science and Technology UFR Basic Science and Application (SCIFA)
School of Basic and Applied Sciences-Mace -bridoux Science and Technology UFR Science Human and Social Sciences-Nancy
College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Human and social sciences.
College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zorzi University, Metz. Advanced Institute of Electronics and Automation for Human and Society
School of Electronic Engineering and Automation (ISEA), IUT University-Metz-School of Technical and Political Science and Technology.