Killing Life is an absurd suspense comedy directed by Guan Hu and co-starring Bo Huang, Yam Tat-wah, Alec Su and Yu Nan, which is adapted from Chen Tiejun's novella Killing Life. The plot of the film is dominated by absurd suspense and black comedy elements, while the emotional line between Bo Huang and Nan Yu contains deep affection in extreme madness.
The film tells how a group of people joined hands to kill an "unruly" person, reflecting all kinds of rabble-like national collective psychology, hidden human hearts and complex human faces, which is very intriguing. The film was released nationwide on April 28th, 20 12. Bo Huang won the Best Actor Award in the 20th College Student Film Festival and the Actor of the Year Award in the 4th China Film Directors Association for this film.
Film evaluation
Judging from the pleasure brought by the film Killing Life, Sichuan audiences should be the happiest people in the country-Sichuan dialect runs through the whole film, and dialect slang such as "turtle son", "playing together", "melon goods" and "Xiong Qi" can be seen everywhere. To this end, they should all go to the cinema to "set" the film.
What's more, it's really a good movie that can give you some thoughts. After the bullfight, Bo Huang, winner of the Golden Horse Award, once again challenged himself and gave a wonderful performance. At the same time, actors such as Liang Jing and Wang Xun also broke through themselves and presented a wonderful fable drama in troubled times.