When you apply for quitting school, you must first fill out an application form for quitting school. This application form also needs parents' signature. The application form will vary from school to school, but it is similar to the process of dropping out of college. Take the application form to the counselor and ask the counselor to sign it.
After the counselor agreed, he went to the dean of the college and asked him to sign the application form. After the dean agrees, go to the college office and stamp it. Then there will be a series of procedures. There is no order. You can go to the finance department to settle the tuition first. After the settlement, the finance department will stamp it.
In college, you will be expelled from school under the following circumstances:
(1) One semester or together with the previous semesters, three specialized courses or four or more courses failed.
(2) Schools that implement the credit system will drop out of school if they fail the course credits and reach the required academic performance.
(three) continuous retention or demotion or retention or demotion for more than two times.
(4) Those who have studied at school for more than two years for whatever reason.
(5) Failing to go through the formalities for resumption of schooling upon the expiration of the suspension period.
(6) Those who fail the second interview shall not have a second interview.
(7) Those who, after school mobilization, should drop out of school due to illness, and the absence time exceeds the total class hours of the school year 1/3. If you meet any of the above conditions, you may be expelled from the university.