The average grade point average of 3.2 is above average, belonging to B+ level, and the score is equivalent to 82-84. Grade point is a method to evaluate academic performance, and the general calculation method of most universities in China is: grade point = score/10-5. First of all, the GPA of 3.2 is above average, not bad. The university's grade point is the symbol of college students' study at school, and it is a five-point system. The general calculation method of most schools is: GPA = score/10-5 average credits. The conversion method of grade point is to multiply the scores of various subjects by credits and then divide them by the total credits. The conversion of fraction and integral is as follows: 90- 100 integral = 4.0; 85-89 points = 3.7; 82-84 points = 3.3; 78-8 1 = 3.0; 75-77 points = 2.7; 72-74 points = 2.3; 68-7 1 = 2.0; 64-67 points =1.5; 60-63 points =1.0; Under 60 =0. Grade grade grade grade grade grade grade grade grade grade grade 90-100a 4.085-89a-3.782-84b+3.378-81b3.075-77b-2.772-74c+2.368-71c 2.