"Knocking on the Heart" was directed by Ender Michela and Yusuf Pilhasan, and Eldam A? ikg? Z, Yesim Citak, Dilek iyi gun, Ayse Kutlu as screenwriters, Hande Er? El, Kerim Bassin, Bigger? On July 8, 2020, a comedy film starring Naar, Ismail Aji Sasmaz and Efrim Doan was broadcast in Turkey.
However, this dream was broken by a wrong scholarship for studying abroad. Eda not only lost the opportunity to go to Italy for further study, but also lost her original university status, so her boyfriend could only go to Italy alone. After losing her studies, she had to work in her aunt's flower shop. She vented her anger on Selkan, an entrepreneur who awarded scholarships.
On this day, Eda, who attended the graduation ceremony with her sisters, met Selkan who was invited to attend the school lecture. In this way, a love contest started by mistake.