Moreover, FM means that the frequency of high-frequency carrier is not a constant, but a modulation mode that changes with the modulation signal in a certain range, and its amplitude is a constant. So the signal is relatively stable. The listening level of CET-6 varies from school to school, generally ranging from 86.0 to 87.0. During the exam, the invigilator will write down the frequency of the radio tapes on the blackboard.
The process of CET-1 and CET-6:
Level 6 (15: 00-17: 25);
14: 40- 15: 00 audition time;
15: 00 ——15:10 read notes in the examination room, distribute test papers and stick bar codes;
15:10-15: 40 composition examination stage;
15: 40 ——16:10 listening test;
1 6:10 ——16:15 The exam will be suspended for 5 minutes. Use the answer sheet1(that is, composition and listening) to complete the remaining exam items: reading and translation;
17: 25-All exams are over.
Second, the national college English listening test matters needing attention:
1. The listening test lasts 35 minutes.
2. The listening part of CET-4 and CET-6 in Shanghai is broadcast simultaneously at AM (medium wave) 792 kHz and FM (frequency modulation) 89.9 MHz.