Generally, you can't get a diploma after graduating from a university for four years, because the validity period of your student status is eight years, that is, you can get the corresponding academic certificate after completing your studies within eight years from the beginning of your enrollment.
If you maintain an eight-year student status, you need to complete all the courses within eight years and eventually graduate smoothly. If you don't graduate smoothly within eight years, your student status will be automatically cancelled.
Matters needing attention
1. If in the next semester of senior year, the course you hang is a compulsory course or an elective course, which requires enough credits. If you fail to pass the make-up exam or re-examination, you will postpone your graduation and will not get the diploma for the time being.
2. If you fail a number of elective courses in the next semester of your senior year (all the other elective courses you have taken have passed, and the total credits meet the requirements), this situation will not affect your graduation, and you can get a diploma.