(2) Database and information system: database management system, multi-database system integration, data warehouse and data mining, mobile database system and its application, Web data resources, enterprise information system, XML data management technology, biological data grid, spatial database and workflow technology.
(3) Artificial intelligence and its application: distributed artificial intelligence and multi-agent system, artificial neural network, fuzzy information processing and decision-making, fuzzy pattern recognition, inaccurate information processing, geographic information model and spatial reasoning.
(4) Software engineering and theory: programming language, software analysis and testing, software quality assurance, software formalization technology, new software methods and technologies, knowledge and information acquisition technology, semantic Web and Web engineering, and object-oriented technology.
(5) Theoretical computer science: quantum computing, information theory, fuzzy theory, approximate algorithm, random algorithm and distributed algorithm.
(6) Computer architecture: embedded application system and embedded operating system, modern industrial control system architecture, cluster system architecture, parallel computing and safety monitoring system.