Undergraduate majors
The best undergraduate majors in Oxford University in Britain are: archaeology and anthropology, biochemistry, biological sciences, biomedicine, chemistry, classical archaeology and ancient history, ancient Greek/Roman literature, classical literature and English, classical literature and modern language, classical literature and orientalism, computer science and philosophy, earth science, economy and management, engineering science, engineering, economy and management, English language and literature, English and modern. European and Middle Eastern linguistics, experimental psychology, art, geography, history, history and economy, history and English, history and modern language, history and politics, art history, humanities, law, material science, material economy and management, mathematics, mathematics and computer science, mathematics and philosophy, mathematics and statistics, medicine, modern language, modern language and linguistics, music, orientalism, philosophy and modernity.
Graduate major
The best postgraduate majors in Oxford University are anesthesiology, anthropology, archaeological science, architectural history, regional studies, design history, international human rights law, international wildlife protection, law, life science, language and phonetics, literature and art, management research, material science, mathematics, computer science, mathematics and finance, oncology, medicine, modern languages, as well as philosophy, politics and the most famous.
In addition, law, history, classics, etc. It's good, too.