1. Suppose you are opposed to executing a specific management order and are afraid of being executed.
Manager, what would you do?
Suppose you just got married and plan to work abroad for three years, what would you do?
Have you explained it to your new wife?
Suppose someone couldn't understand why you didn't arrest Harry, would you explain it?
Suppose your tenant didn't pay the rent in time, would you throw him out?
Suppose you are a heavy smoker and are eager to give up this habit, where can you get help?
1. Suppose you found your colleague taking bribes, would you ignore it?
We have given up on him because he is too stubborn. There is no point in arguing with him.
He came across a good way to speed up the experiment, but everyone had different opinions.
Team members are up there.
Today, I can combine my career with my interests, which I couldn't do before.
The ability to distinguish red from green visually is very important for becoming a driver.
This team consists of seven people, who meet regularly and share each other's information.
1. Suppose someone offered you a bribe in exchange for a promise, what would you do? Do you accept or stick to your principles?
People today will not tolerate those bad situations, but they can only accept that reality at that time.
Cheating is becoming more and more common on university campuses. I don't remember how many students were caught cheating this semester.
When Mr. Archie's bribery was exposed, he had to withdraw from the competition for the position of governor.
Although he fully supported the reform policy at first, later he began to attack the reform movement.
The professor certainly doesn't agree that translation is basically looking up new words in the dictionary.
I think this is it.