Major: Empirical Industrial Organization Theory, Government Regulation and Anti-monopoly Education Background: 20/200912 Ph.D. student, Business School, China Renmin University 20/20091 0 Visiting scholars from Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, United States jointly trained 2007-2009 Master students from Business School of Renmin University of China 2003-2007 Undergraduate students from National Economics Base Class of Business School of Nanjing University: 20 12 Yinxing Economics Research Fund Project (201-20 12) Moderator The main participant of the National Natural Science Foundation Project (2009-) No.70940012, "Research on the Regulation Mode Optimization of Natural Monopoly Industries in China —— Based on Welfare Loss Measurement", is responsible for developing new empirical industrial organization theory and applying it to monopoly industries in China. Basic method of measuring loss. National Natural Science Foundation Project (2006-2009) Participant "Measurement of Industrial Market Power and Welfare Loss Estimation in China"No.: 70673106-Responsible for developing a direct measurement method of market power under the empirical framework of new industrial organizations.
Main research results: 1. Weekend, Chen Yongjun: Monopoly Degree and Welfare Loss of Industrial Enterprises in China, in Anonymous Peer Review II. On the weekend, Chen Yongjun: theoretical basis of government economic regulation and anti-monopoly: a review of new empirical industrial organization theory, that is, on the weekend, Wang Lu: market power estimation and monopoly loss calculation under product heterogeneity, China industrial economy [J] 20 12.06 4. Chen Yongjun, weekend: direct measurement of market power and scale effect, China industrial economy [J], 2009./. Analysis based on NEIO and SFA methods, Industrial Economics Review [J], 20 12.0 1 6. Weekend: Analysis of China's film industry in the transitional period, industrial economic research [J], weekend March 7, 2008, Dong Li: Nanjing cultural industry and regional economic development, Nanjing Social Sciences [J]. Decai Yang II. On the control core of property right reform of state-owned enterprises, Jiangsu Social Sciences [J], 2007.4 9. Zheng Shi 1, weekend 2. China Real Estate Testing and Analysis Report 2008, China Economic Publishing House, 2008.