Part-time job: you can do part-time jobs after school or on weekends, such as tutor, waiter, courier, etc. These jobs can help students earn some pocket money and also exercise their abilities and skills.
Network marketing: You can open your own online shop on Taobao, Pinduoduo and other e-commerce platforms to sell your own products or act as an agent for some goods. At the same time, social media platforms such as WeChat and Weibo can be used for online marketing promotion to attract more customers.
Tutor: You can use your spare time to teach others subject knowledge or natural skills, and the charging standard can be set according to the market situation and your own ability.
Purchasing: you can buy some local specialty goods or brand goods abroad, and then sell them on e-commerce platforms such as Taobao to earn the difference.
Questionnaire survey: You can register as a member on some questionnaire survey websites, participate in the questionnaire survey and earn money. These questionnaires are generally issued by companies or institutions, which can help students understand the social and industrial situation.
Online tutoring: Students who need tutoring can be found on the online platform, and remote teaching can be conducted through video or voice, and at the same time, they can earn a certain reward.
Earn royalties from writing: It is becoming more and more common to earn royalties from writing. Earning income through writing can not only improve one's literacy, but also gain economic benefits.
Selling second-hand goods: You can sell unwanted goods online and earn the difference.
Participate in social practice activities: you can participate in some social practice activities, such as cleaning the urban environment and public facilities, which can not only exercise your ability, but also get a certain reward.
In a word, college students can earn extra money in various ways, but they should pay attention to reasonable arrangement of time so as not to affect their studies and health.