1. The University of Adelaide (Ada for short) is located in Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, Australia. It is a comprehensive institution of higher learning, one of sandstone institutions of higher learning, and a member of 2 1 century academic alliance, Australian Eight Schools Alliance and association of commonwealth universities. [ 1]。 Founded in 1874, it is the third university in Australian history and the oldest university in South Australia. It is also one of the representatives of Commonwealth classical universities.
2. National universities are relatively defined as private universities in a broad sense, that is, "universities directly under the state". In a narrow sense, they are mainly defined as provincial universities, municipal universities and private universities. That is, a public university formally established or directly managed by the central government, directly managed by the Ministry of Education, with its president appointed by the central government, funded by the state treasury and named after the state, is not subject to the jurisdiction and intervention of local governments and organizations.