How far is Chang 'an District from shijiazhuang tiedao university?
85 1.4 km. According to Baidu map, Chang 'an District is located in Xi City, Shaanxi Province, and shijiazhuang tiedao university 4 is located in Zhongshan Road, Luquan District, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province. The distance between the two places is 85 1.4 km, and it takes 8 hours and 54 minutes to drive. Chang 'an District, which belongs to xi City, Shaanxi Province, is located in the south of Xi, bordering Lantian County in the east, ningshan county and Zhashui County in the south, Huyi District and Xianyang City in the west, and Yanta District and Baqiao District in the north.