2 American universities (states) Chinese translation fee enrollment ranking
Average GMAT score
Average GPA of admission rate
# 1 Harvard University
Boston, Massachusetts
Harvard University $56, 175/ year 1, 85 1, 7271.3% 3.70
# 1 Stanford University
Stanford, California
Stanford University $59,550/year
University of Pennsylvania (Wharton Business School)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
University of Pennsylvania $59,736/year
Fourth place University of Chicago (Booth)
Chicago, Illinois
University of Chicago $58,760/year
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Si Long) ranked fifth.
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Massachusetts institute of technology $6 1. 152/ year 8197131%3.58
Sixth place: Northwestern University (Kellogg)
Evanston, Illinois
Northwest University 59,085 USD/year 1,148 71321.6% 3.54
#7 University of California at Berkeley (Haas)
Berkeley, California
University of California, Berkeley $5 1, 4 12 within the state/year; Out-of-state USD 53,959/year 497,765,438+0414.3% 3.60
#8 Columbia University
New york, New York
Columbia University $60720/year1.279 71618.1%3.50
Ninth place Dartmouth College (Tucker)
Hanover, New Hampshire
Dartmouth College $58,935/year
# 10 new york University (Stern)
New york, New York
New york University $57,468/year 786 72116.0% 3.51.
# 1 1 University of Michigan at ann arbor (Ross)
Ann arbor, Michigan
University of Michigan at ann arbor $52,200 state/year; Out of state $57,200/year 94 1 704 33.7% 3.40
# 1 1 University of Virginia (Darden)
Charlottesville, Virginia
State/year where University of Virginia $48,402 is located; Out-of-state USD 52,720/year 633,706 25.1%3.55438+0
# 13 Yale University
New haven, Connecticut
Yale University $57,200/year
Duke University (Foca)
Durham, North Carolina
Duke University $55,300/year 8,665,438+0,694 26.5% 3.42
# 15 University of Texas at Austin (mccombs)
Austin, Texas
University of Texas at Austin $33,298/state/year; Out-of-state USD 48,832/year 565,438+065,438+0,690 32.6% 3.39
UCLA (Anderson)
Los Angeles, California
UCLA $48,722 per year; Out-of-state $55,009/year 724,706 22.3% 3.47
Cornell University (Johnson)
Ithaca, New York
Cornell University 55948 USD/year 558695438+0 22438+0% 3.32
Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Carnegie Mellon University $56,768/year
# 19 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Kennan-flagler)
Church Hill, North Carolina
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill $365,438+0,565,438+00 states/year; Out-of-state 50,942 USD/year 573,683 43.8% 3.33
#20 Emory University (Goizueta)
Atlanta, Georgia
Emory University $46,000/year
#2 1 Indiana University Bloomington (Kelly)
Bloomington, Indiana
Indiana University in Bloomington is $24,984/state/year; Out-of-state $44,460/year 392,664 38.9% 3.31
#22 Washington University in St. Louis (Olin)
St Louis, Missouri
Washington University in St. Louis $49,700/year 282,696 29.9% 3.39
23rd Georgetown University (mcdonough)
Washington, DC
Georgetown University $50,928/year
#23 University of Notre Dame (Mendoza)
Notre Dame Cathedral
University of Notre Dame $45 130/ year 3 13690 39.7% 3.438+0
#25 University of Washington (Foster)
Seattle Washington
University of Washington at Seattle $27,861state/year; $465,438 +0.037 out of state/year 236,670 45.1%3.36
25th Vanderbilt University (Irvine)
Nashville, Tennessee
Vanderbilt University $4665438 +025/year
#27 Arizona State University (Carey)
Tempe, Arizona
Arizona State University $23,300 per year; 39, 150 USD/out of state/year139,673 33.6% 3.46
#27 Brigham Young University (Marriott)
Provo, Utah
Brigham Young University USD 22,560/year 320,665 62.1%3.52
#27 Georgia Institute of Technology (Scheler)
Atlanta, Georgia
Georgia Institute of Technology $26,466 state/year; Out-of-state USD 37,332/year136,678 28.3% 3.30
#27 Ohio State University (Fisher)
Columbus, Ohio
Ohio State University is $28,688 per year; Out-of-state $46,352/year 265,438+02,666 32.1%3.39
27th University of Southern California (Marshall)
Los Angeles, California
USC 50,495 USD/year 465,438+05,686 36.0% 3.35
#27 University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin-Madison $ 13, 184 state/year; Out-of-state $26,678/year 65,438+093,676 33.0% 3.42
No.33 Rice University (Jones)
Houston, Texas
Rice University $48,500/year 223,676 29.5% 3.34
#33 University of Minnesota-Twin Cities (Carlson)
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Minnesota Twin Cities University $34,230 in-state/year; Out-of-state $45,000/year 222,686 43.9% 3.43
No.35 Michigan State University (Broad)
East Lansing, Michigan
Michigan State University $27, 19 1 state/year; Out of state 43, 135 USD/year159,655 34.1%3.30
#35 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Champaign, Illinois
State/year where University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign $ 19976 is located; Out-of-state $29,976/year19566125.7% 3.45438+0
#37 Texas A&M University. M University-College Station (Mays)
University of Texas station
Texas A&M University-University Town is $7,929 per year; 20,365,438 USD +09 out-of-state/year 65,438 USD+023,648,265,438 USD +0.4% 3.40 USD.
#37 University of Rochester (Simon)
Rochester new york
University of Rochester $49,929/year $249,680 32.5% 3.46
#37 University of Texas at Dallas
Richardson, Texas
University of Texas at Dallas $15,242 state/year; Out-of-state USD 30,000/year 123 672 20.7% 3.50
40th Purdue University-West lafayette (Krannert)
West lafayette, Indiana
Purdue University West lafayette Campus $22,409 state/year; $42,65438 +074 out of state/year 230,607 29.9% 3.26
#4 1 Penn State University Park (Smeal)
Pennsylvania University Park
Pennsylvania State University Park Campus $22,465,438+00 in-state/year; Out-of-state USD 35,888/year155,645 26.8% 3.39
#4 1 University of California, Davis
Davis, California
University of California at Davis $36,449/state/year; Out-of-state $48,694/year 97,685, 19.6% 3.28
#4 1 University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida
University of Florida $ 12642 state/year; Out-of-state USD 30,035/year11268125.7% 3.55
#4 1 University of Maryland at Park (Smith)
University Park of Maryland
University of Maryland, Park, State $38,475/year; Out-of-state $45,765/year 220,654 36.4% 3.25
45th Boston College (Carol)
Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts
Boston College $42,000/year
#45 Boston University
Boston, Massachusetts
Boston University $43,970/year
45th place, University of California, Irvine (Merage)
Irvine, California
University of California at Irvine, $38,450/state/year; Out-of-state USD 47,089/year194,654 27.1%3.38
#48 Temple University (Fox)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Temple University $27,459 state/year; $39,65438 +077 out of state/year154,646 32.1%3.50
48th place University of Arizona (Eller)
Tucson, Arizona
University of Arizona $22,024 in-state/year; Out-of-state $37,898/year 95,639 59.2% 3.44
48th place University of Georgia (Terry)
Athens, Georgia
University of Georgia $ 12400 state/year; Out-of-state $30,420/year 93,645,44.8% 3.31
#5 1 University of Iowa
Iowa City
University of Iowa $ 19246 state/year; 35,365,438 USD +04 out of state/year 65,438+00 6765,438+0 45.4% 3.43
#52 Northeastern University
Boston, Massachusetts
Northeastern University $ 1.385/ credit 232 652 2 1.6% 3.28
With reference to the above, you can check the ranking of USNews in 20 15.