You can't erase the record of failing the exam. After failing the exam, you have two chances to make-up and retake the exam. After passing the re-examination, you will generally get 60 points. If you fail to retake the exam, you can only retake it. The second interview will be recorded in the student's personal file, and generally it will not have much impact on job hunting. Re-examination does not eliminate the record of failing the course. If you fail in the college exam, you should apply for a make-up exam in time. If you pass the make-up exam, it won't have much impact. If you fail the make-up exam, you will have to take the failed course again. Failing a course in a university will have many effects, including scholarship evaluation, graduation time, postgraduate entrance examination, joining the party, job hunting and so on. In the scholarship evaluation rules, students who fail a course cannot participate in the scholarship selection. Try to avoid repeating grades during college, listen carefully in class and review in advance before the exam. During college, academic performance is composed of usual grades and exam results, so it is also very important to achieve it at ordinary times. Try to avoid truancy and truancy at ordinary times.